Bel Pre
Ken Gar in Kensington
Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) at Bel Pre, Silver Spring

Welcome to the HOC Housing Path Portal

  • You must sign up and complete the registration process in order to have access to submit an application for an HOC program or award.
  • Once registered, you must submit an application for each program or award that you wish to be eligible for.
  • You will be contacted when selected for an available program or award.


    Join the Fatherhood Initiative Program and gain access to:

    • Job Training
    • Tuition Assistance
    • Network of fathers
    • Community Resources

    For more information or to enroll, please send an email to fathersmatter@hocmc.org or call +1 240-745-6098 and leave a detailed message with the request and contact information.

    • Are you looking to improve your credit and don't know what steps to take?
    • Do you need help with understanding how to read your credit report?
    • Are you looking to learn how to develop a personal or household budget plan?

    If you answer yes to any of the above questions, then learn how Financial Literacy Coaching can help you!

    Contact Shirley Benning at flcoach@hocmc.org or (240) 528-4858.

Are you a caseworker? Enter your client’s username, not your email address.
